Indian Ocean Region

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  • Russia’s New Maritime Doctrine

    Russia’s new maritime doctrine, the first policy document in Russia’s national security domain since the Ukraine conflict, reveals a bolder and more assertive Russia, and presents several opportunities for cooperation with India.

    August 17, 2022

    Prospects of Maritime Cooperation between India and Russia in Indian Ocean Region, Arctic and Russian Far East

    The India-Russia partnership is longstanding and time-tested, one of steadiest of the major relationships in the world. Although the relations between the two countries have remained exceptionally warm and cordial, their full potential has not been realised.

    Vineet Ravindran asked: How important is India’s ancient naval tradition for the 21st century? What can Indian policymakers learn from it?

    Abhay Kumar Singh replies: Being a potpourri of ideas and traditions, a nation-state’s identity is a complex affair. History, traditions, and cultural symbols play a defining role in shaping the national identity, national self-image and strategic culture. The importance of India’s ancient naval tradition needs to be understood in this context.

    Vaibhav Dabas asked: What are the Chinese strategic interests in Sri Lanka and what are its implications for India?

    Gulbin Sultana replies: China under President Xi Jinping seeks to reach out to overseas markets and promote new sources of growth for its economy. Xi Jinping’s vision of a global free trade regime and open world economy includes efforts to enhance connectivity between Asian and African continents and their adjacent seas for free flow of trade.

    India–United States Maritime Collaboration

    Ensuring maritime security and freedom of navigation in the Indian Ocean and the wider Indo-Pacific region is key security imperative and one of the key objectives of India’s engagement with the US and other partners.

    April 08, 2022

    Colombo Security Conclave: Prospects for India as ‘Preferred Security Partner’

    Colombo Security Conclave, a maritime security oriented sub-regional grouping, is emerging as a promising platform through which India can demonstrate its commitment and credibility for becoming the ‘Preferred Security Partner’ for the smaller nations in the Indian Ocean Region.

    March 30, 2022

    Australia’s Strategic Imperatives in Indo-Pacific: Opportunities for India

    The Indo-Pacific construct has significantly enhanced the strategic salience of both India and Australia in a multipolar region. While the two nations have considerably deepened their strategic partnership, there is scope for much more improvement in several sectors.

    February 23, 2022

    Reciprocal Exchange of Logistics Agreement: Roadmap to India’s Strategic Access in the Arctic

    By enabling access to logistics and support facilities at each other’s bases and ports, RELOS would enhance strategic cooperation between India and Russia, and promote their future manoeuvres in the Arctic and the Indian Ocean Region.

    January 17, 2022

    Planning and Impact of Special Operations during the 1971 Indo-Pak War

    India had all of two weeks to achieve the politico-military end state of liberating Bangladesh, before the international community intervened to impose a ceasefire. Speed and tempo of operations were imperative.Indian Armed Forces exploited the special operations capabilities to ensure an early fall of Dhaka. The airborne assault at Tangail, the audacious helilift of troops across the mighty Meghna by General Sagat Singh with effective support from the Mukti Bahini contributed to the early fall of Dhaka with most defences still intact.

    October–December 2021

    The Protection of Sea Lines of Communication during 1971 War

    As the bulk of India’s foreign trade transits through sea, it turns sea lines of communication through the Indian Ocean strategically important for India. The newly independent India did not pay adequate attention to this factor. Consequently, within two decades of independence continuous flow of unprotected large volume of India’s sea trade had become a strategic target for its adversaries. In this context, during the 1971 India–Pakistan war, India efficiently protected its vital sea lanes, ensuring that goods and commodities continued to reach Indian ports.

    October–December 2021

