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  • The Ukrainian Crisis and Dilemmas for Turkish Foreign Policy

    Turkey is facing serious challenges in the wake of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Its response to the conflict could have far-reaching implications for its struggling economy, damaged relations with the US and EU, its complex partnership with Russia, and for the regional security architecture in the Black Sea.

    March 14, 2022

    Iran–Russia Relations under Raisi: The Eurasian Dimension

    With the failure of moderates’ Western outreach in the aftermath of US withdrawal from the JCPOA, the conservatives, now in power in Iran, are looking for a long-term partnership with Russia which would bring stability in their shared neighbourhood, geoeconomic opportunities and also weaken the influence of moderates and reformists.

    February 24, 2022

    Relevance of Normandy Format Talks in the Ukrainian Crisis

    The Ukrainian crisis is less about Ukraine, its national politics and foreign policy, and more about redefining the rules not only of the European security but also the international order and the simmering rivalry between great powers in particular.

    February 15, 2022

    Understanding China’s Growing Military Outreach in Central Asia

    China’s growing military presence in Central Asia through military exercises, trainings, extending arms assistance and building military infrastructure, has an impact not only on the region but also its neighbours, especially Russia and India.

    February 03, 2022

    Looking North Towards Eurasia

    While India may not be a major actor in Central Asia yet it remains an important vector in the regional calculus of the Central Asian Republics. India’s multi-alignment should hold it in good stead in navigating the opportunities and challenges in a region which lies at a proverbial stone’s throw from New Delhi.

    January 27, 2022

    Kazakhstan’s Quest for Arctic Trade Route

    In order to maintain a semblance of balance in its ties with its two key strategic partners, Kazakhstan would perhaps have to leverage its geo-strategic importance for both Moscow and Beijing to navigate the new Arctic route.

    January 19, 2022

    Reciprocal Exchange of Logistics Agreement: Roadmap to India’s Strategic Access in the Arctic

    By enabling access to logistics and support facilities at each other’s bases and ports, RELOS would enhance strategic cooperation between India and Russia, and promote their future manoeuvres in the Arctic and the Indian Ocean Region.

    January 17, 2022

    Looming Spectre of Conflict in Eastern Europe?

    Kremlin’s increasingly assertive stance on the troop build-up along the Russia–Ukraine border can be viewed as not just prompted by Ukraine’s potential NATO membership but also as Russia underscoring its place as a stakeholder in shaping European security architecture.

    January 03, 2022

    Various Facets of the ‘Traffic Light Coalition’ in Germany

    With few convergences among partners, the path of the “traffic light coalition” headed by Olaf Scholz is laden with challenges, but also offers spaces for positive action. With several new faces in key positions, its success would lie in maintaining continuity, and tweaking it to accommodate necessary changes when required.

    December 23, 2021

