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  • The End of the End of History

    On December 25 of this year we will mark 25 years since the collapse of the Soviet Union. Many in Russia and the West were optimistic about the seeming imminent integration of Russia into a Western-led liberal democratic global order. The United States, in particular, fresh off its ‘victory’ in the Cold War, could hardly restrain its triumphalism as it stood astride the world as the sole superpower.

    November 2016

    Russia’s Policy Shift towards Taliban and Pakistan

    Russia’s efforts to differentiate between the Islamic State and Taliban are a mistake given that both groups share a similar ideology, albeit with slight variations.

    March 01, 2017

    Revival of the Russian Military: An Assessment

    Russian Military

    Russia’s military intervention in Syria – its first beyond its immediate neighbourhood since the end of the Cold War – highlights the significant transformation that its armed forces have gone through.

    August 31, 2016

    Erdoğan’s Visit to St. Petersburg: A Measured Russia-Turkey Rapprochement

    While a Russia-Turkey rapprochement is driven by their particular national interests, its trajectory and outcome are likely to be shaped by the interplay of several geo-economic and geo-political factors.

    August 16, 2016

    Are Russia and NATO inching towards a conflict?

    The Joint Communique issued by the recent NATO summit, held on July 8-9 in Warsaw, appears to have sown the seeds of a renewed confrontation with Russia.

    August 08, 2016

    Fallout of Turkey’s Shooting Down of the Russian Aircraft

    Turkey’s unprecedented military action raises two questions: What is the likely impact on its ties with Russia? And, what are the dynamics of a ‘Russia-West’ collaboration over Syria?

    December 22, 2015

    Russia and the Syrian Conflict

    Russia and the Syrian Conflict

    Syria is a long-term Russian ally, before and after the demise of the Soviet Union, primarily under the presidency of the Assads, father and son, and provides the only foothold to Russia in the Middle East.

    December 14, 2015

    The Crash of Metrojet 9268 in Sinai

    The air crash might prod the US and its allies to seek a political accommodation with Russia on Syria, and a grand coalition might emerge against the IS. But, even such a coalition will take long to dismantle the IS, assuming it were doable.

    November 13, 2015

    Russian Bombing in Syria: An Interim Assessment

    Russian Bombing in Syria: An Interim Assessment

    It is now abundantly clear that Russia has emerged as the most important player in Syria. With the US on the defensive, the coalition that Russia is forging with Iran and Iraq is likely to get stronger.

    October 27, 2015

    Russian Military Intervention in Syria

    Russian Military Intervention in Syria

    Will the action of Russia make it easier to find a negotiated political agreement on transition among Syrians? Most unlikely.

    October 06, 2015

