Non-Traditional Security

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  • India’s National Solar Mission – strategic lessons for energy security

    Fellows' Seminar
    April 15, 2011
    1030 to 1300 hrs

    Energy Crisis and Potential in Bangladesh

    The present energy crisis in Bangladesh is partly due to over-dependence on gas which fulfils more than 70 per cent of its energy needs. The present gas deficit against the national demand on a daily basis is expected to increase further in the future. The crisis will deepen unless a greater share of indigenous coal is included in the energy mix. The geological and social constraints of an over-populated fertile agricultural land area remain an obstacle to large-scale coal mining and this has to be addressed rationally.

    March 2011

    The Sino-Japanese Rare Earths Row: Will China's Loss be India's Gain?

    Following the dispute over the seizure of a Chinese trawler and its crew by Japan in the disputed waters in the East China Sea believed to be rich in oil and gas resources, Beijing has been flexing its muscles against Tokyo in another area. However, this one may have far deeper consequences not only for Japan but for the rest of the world.

    March 2011

    The Crisis in Egypt and its Impact on the Oil Market

    The political unrest in Egypt has shaken the world oil market and triggered fears of long-lasting economic damage if the crisis were to deepen.

    February 04, 2011

    Conceptual Trap in Corruption as a Security Issue

    Those studying the Naxal challenge cannot afford to ignore the fact that corruption in delivery mechanisms is one root cause of the insurgency.

    December 08, 2010

    Oil in China: Reserves, Production and Export Potential

    The latest addition to the Chinese ‘enigma’ is its oil potential. There have been various accounts, of late, in influential journals and important documents attempting to unravel the mystery surrounding Chinese oil. As it happens, most of them have helped only to further deepen it.

    November 2010

    Pakistan's Energy Security: Challenges and Options

    Development prospects and economic growth in Pakistan, like in most other countries, will hinge on securing sustainable energy supplies. The Pakistan government has developed a strategy to enhance its energy production by 2030. This article explores the problems faced by the Pakistan government in optimising its use of indigenous energy resources and the implications that future plans to strengthen its energy security may have for its domestic and foreign policy.

    November 2010

