Non-Traditional Security

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  • Asian Strategic Review 2017: Energy Security in Times of Uncertainty

    • Publisher: Pentagon Press

    The world is entering an era with increased global demand for energy, price volatility, and rising concerns about environmental burdens and the global impact of climate change. Directly or indirectly, these factors have given rise to related concerns such as deregulation and geopolitical uncertainties. Moreover, the challenges related to the energy issue go beyond scientific or technological aspects and extend to access to resources, regional conflicts, pricing and energy infrastructure management.

    • ISBN: 78-93-86618-28-3,
    • Price: ₹ 795/- , $27.95/-
    • E-copy available

    The Coming of the Petroyuan?

    China’s launch of a yuan-denominated oil futures exchange will provide it with the opportunity to create an Asian crude oil benchmark and give it more clout in crude pricing and for promoting the yuan as a truly global currency.

    February 22, 2018

    The Food versus Fuel Debate

    The Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) has proposed that the terms of the debate be moved from food versus fuel to food and fuel.

    January 04, 2018

    Can renewables make India energy secure?

    India should invest in creating a competitive solar module sector across the manufacturing chain, from procuring primary resources to the finished product.

    November 22, 2017

    The Saudi Aramco IPO and Crown Prince Salman’s Ambitions

    Crown Prince Salman has been using oil as a tool to further his political ambitions both domestically and internationally, and Saudi Aramco acts as a nucleus around which his ambitions revolve.

    November 16, 2017

    COP23 Companion Event on India’s Climate Mitigation and Adaptation: Key Strategies

    November 17, 2017
    0900 to 1500 hrs

    High Fuel Prices: Does the End Justify the Means?

    The contentious discourse in the media ignores the implications of state taxes on rising fuel prices.

    September 27, 2017

    CPEC in Pakistan’s Quest for Energy Security

    In May 2017, some 1,200 delegates from 110 countries, including 29 visiting heads of state and government leaders, gathered in Beijing for China’s biggest diplomatic event, which was held to showcase the Belt and Road Initiative’s (BRI) achievements to date, as well as draft some new ideas. The forum also formalised the US$50 billion China–Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), a flagship project of the BRI, projecting it as a game-changer for Pakistan’s economy.

    September 2017

    Saudi Aramco’s IPO

    If India gets a stake in the proposed Aramco IPO, it would mean getting a share of profits from one of the world’s largest and most profitable companies.

    July 13, 2017

    Harnessing Wind Power through Kites

    India’s record in wind energy development is good. But the existing technology is fast becoming outdated. Evolving technologies like kite wind should therefore be considered.

    June 09, 2017

