The digest seeks to keep its focus on all round strategic developments taking place in Pakistan on a monthly basis. It culls out information and analyses from the Pakistani media— both English and vernacular— and provides a ready reference material for the wider strategic community. Given the strategic importance of Pakistan for India and the wider world, it is hoped that the digest will be received well by the readers.
This e-bulletin seeks to focus on major developments in Pakistan and bring them to the attention of strategic analysts and policy makers in India on a weekly basis. It will carry a lead commentary on the most important development during the previous weeks, followed by useful information on the evolving political, economic and security situation in Pakistan.
The Pakistan Project came up with first report titled Whither Pakistan? Growing Instability and Implications for India in June 2010. This report produced by the project team was reviewed by a panel of experts in January 2010 and finalized with their inputs and suggestions. The basic argument that flows from the report is that Pakistan is likely to remain unstable because of inherent weaknesses in its political, economic and security policies. The absence of any long-term shared vision of Pakistan, the over-securitization of the state apparatus because of its obsession with India as a threat and an enemy, and the state’s ambivalence towards the phenomenon of Islamic radicalism will keep Pakistan in a state of chronic turmoil. The report suggests a set of policy alternatives for India to deal with the consequences of an unstable Pakistan, on a long term basis.
The Pakistan Project of IDSA came up with a second report titled Pakistan on the Edge in December 2012. This Report takes into account various political developments in Pakistan focusing more on the events of the last two years and analyses its impact on the nation’s nascent democracy. The Report takes a broad view of the politics, emerging political alliances, economy, foreign policy, India-Pakistan relations and civil-military relations. Two chapters of this report focus on Pakistan’s English and Urdu language print media and how it looks at the critical issues of domestic and foreign policy.