Shruti Pandalai

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  • Ms Shruti Pandalai is Associate Fellow at the Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, New Delhi. Click here for detailed profile.

    ISIS in India: The Writing on the (Facebook) Wall

    May 06, 2016

    OSD Outreach and Research Analyst, IDSA, Ms Shruti Pandalai's op-ed on the threat of Islamic States’ social media propaganda campaign in India, titled ‘ISIS in India: The Writing on the (Facebook) Wall’ was published in ‘The Diplomat’ on May 6, 2016.

    When India found a leader, but lost a statesman

    September 26, 2015

    OSD Outreach and Research Analyst, IDSA, Ms Shruti Pandalai’s Oped on Lal Bahadur Shastri, titled ‘When India found a leader, but lost a statesman’ was published in The Hindu on September 26, 2015.

    Recounting 1965: War, Diplomacy and Great Games in the Subcontinent

    ‘Stalemate’, ‘futile’, ‘forgotten’—the descriptions of the 1965 War between India and Pakistan often do injustice to its profound Impact on the history of the Indian subcontinent. It was a war that altered the fates of India and Pakistan both politically and militarily, and officially began the new great game for Asia. For India, it was a test of leadership post Nehru and banishing the demons of 1962. For Pakistan, it was about Kashmir and testing India, playing roulette with the superpowers, and sealing its friendship with China.

    July 2015

    Challenging Stereotypes: Reinventing the national discourse on the North East

    If the larger goal is to understand the challenges of the North East, it would require a strong national narrative which reconciles its many identities and adds to the peace process. Till development in the North East is achieved the stereotypes will continue to gain traction in policy approaches.

    May 16, 2014

    India’s Defence Budget: Trends Beyond the Numbers

    In the larger scheme of things, fiscal prudence is a good trait and the reduction in deficits desirable, yet an overtly ambitious approach of reducing deficits into a number game may lead to developments that may hurt us not only in the security arena but in economic growth as well.

    March 04, 2013

    Who Sets the Agenda? Does 'Prime Time' Really Pace Policy?

    Who Sets the Agenda? Does 'Prime Time' Really Pace Policy?

    At a time when the country is seeing crises - political, social and moral, the role of the media is rising in perception as never before. But how much does 'prime time' in the era of 24 hour news coverage actually impact policy? This monograph unpacks the perceived influence of the media in specific foreign policy episodes and argues that while it has introduced accountability and real-time responses to issues, it still has not been able to establish long term policy impact.


    Enduring Legacy of 1962: Cementing the Conflict of Perceptions in Sino-Indian Ties

    Fifty years since the 1962 war, India and China have moved on to become world powers with engagement and competition characterizing their relationship in keeping with the rules of realpolitik. Both sides argue that the past has been forgotten, yet the border dispute remains unresolved. Despite the rapprochement and robust economic engagement undertaken, the relationship has a constant undercurrent of tension and is often described as fragile.

    October 2012

    Don’t Shoot the Messenger: The ‘Un-Social’ Strategy

    The raging controversy on social media regulation post the violence in Assam has left the government in a losing perception battle. It is time to engage with the new media and exploit its potential to communicate strategically and not shoot the messenger

    August 28, 2012

    Lessons from 2011: The New Media Revolution is a Strategic Asset

    What was new in 2011 was the idea of a new media revolution: the convergence of various forms of media—television, social, and online networks which, when combined together, became a powerful weapon in the hands of the common man.

    January 13, 2012

    The Olive Branch from Pakistan, in its Time of Crises

    India’s recent encounters with Pakistan show surprisingly warm diplomacy, with an open declaration from Islamabad of “mending the trust deficit.” This upswing in relations however comes with no guarantees.

    November 17, 2011

