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  • Challenges for Israel’s New Coalition Government

    The formation of a new coalition government may have ended the two-year-long stalemate in Israeli politics, but considering its razor-thin majority in the parliament and notable differences of opinion among various constituent parties, its sustainability remains to be seen.

    July 05, 2021

    Tokyo Olympics: A Game-changer in Japan’s Looming Election Season?

    Two key elections are approaching in Japan. As Prime Minister Suga seeks public mandate with just one year's report card amidst a pandemic, his political future is contingent on rapid inoculation and a successful Olympics.

    July 01, 2021

    Challenges for Ebrahim Raisi’s Presidency

    The tenure of Ebrahim Raisi as Iran's President is not likely to be a smooth sail, considering the immense challenges that lie ahead on both domestic and foreign policy fronts.

    June 25, 2021

    Iran Presidential Elections 2021

    The expected victory of a hardline, conservative candidate in the forthcoming Iranian presidential elections could become a hindrance to fulfilling the country’s economic agenda and lead to greater domestic instability.

    June 03, 2021

    US Elections 2020 and the Cybersecurity Challenges

    It is critical to reduce the risks associated with cyber-enabled elections by ensuring end-to-end verifiability, protection of voter database, managing risks to the election infrastructure and curbing the menace of disinformation.

    December 03, 2020

    Sri Lanka Headed for Elections: Democracy in Distress?

    The growing assertion of presidential executive powers in the absence of parliament poses a critical challenge to functioning democracy in Sri Lanka.

    July 17, 2020

    Boko Haram Gathers Strength as Nigeria Prepares For Elections

    Boko Haram’s resurgence might affect the holding of credible polls in parts of northeast Nigeria in the upcoming February 2019 general elections.

    December 11, 2018

    Bhutan National Assembly Elections 2018: A Mandate for Change?

    Voters in Bhutan have shown their political maturity by bringing in a new government, which is an indicator of growing awareness about their rights and their role in holding governments to account.

    November 12, 2018

    The 2018 Maldivian Presidential Elections: Two-horse Race between Development and Reforms

    The forthcoming presidential election is a contest between Yameen’s pledge to bring about a transformational change with mega-projects and Solih’s pledge to end presidential tyranny, injustice and corruption

    September 17, 2018

    Iraq Elections-May 2018: Prospects and Possibilities

    In the present form, Prime Minister Abadi looks set to emerge as the largest block but the chances of his coalition getting the required majority are slim.

    May 08, 2018

