Obama Administration

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  • Six-Party Talks: Geneva meeting shrugs-off “strategic patience” but parsimoniously

    Not engaging North Korea is no more seen as an option even as it continue to build its nuclear capabilities.

    November 13, 2011

    Is America finally withdrawing from Iraq?

    Obama has skilfully reaped the political benefits of ordering a ‘technical’ withdrawal and ending the US mission in Iraq, whilst not only retaining the substance of the US posture and presence but immeasurably strengthening it.

    November 11, 2011

    DPJ’s Duplicity on Futenma Base Relocation in 2009

    Wikileaks cables reveal a secret pact in which the Hatoyama administration agreed to honour the 2006 agreement on the relocation of Futenma if the US were to reject the proposed alternative.

    May 09, 2011

    The Post Osama Possibilities

    The elimination of OBL might not accelerate US withdrawal from Afghanistan, but in all probability this marks the beginning of the end of active US military presence in Afghanistan.

    May 06, 2011

    al Qaeda: Beyond Osama-bin Laden

    The death of Osama bin laden, is not the end of al Qaeda. It may disable it, but will not kill ‘al Qaeda the idea or movement’. We need to remember that bin Laden and al Qaeda articulated a political grievance which will not disappear with his elimination. The 'war of ideas' is still on.

    May 03, 2011

    Osama’s Killing: Regional Implications

    The elimination of Osama, though a great feat by the US special forces, will largely be a symbolic event – terrorism is unlikely to end and the situation in Af-Pak is not likely to improve.

    May 03, 2011

    Defence Diplomacy in US-India Strategic Relationship

    Defence diplomacy helps build trust and confidence between nations and facilitates cooperation at political and economic level. This is evident from the growing US-India strategic relationship. Since the end of the Cold War, the US-India relationship has been evolving and “reaching new heights”. In this budding relationship, the most visible manifestation is cooperation in the sphere of defence.

    January 2011

    A Doctrine at Work: Obama's Evolving Nuclear Policy and What it Bodes for India

    President Obama made history by coming to office with the promise of working towards a nuclear weapons-free world. Envisioning a new non-proliferation momentum, Obama promised to revive the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) system and create nuclear security and energy architectures that will secure nuclear materials and make proliferation difficult. A year later, Obama realised the difficulties of selling his vision to his bureaucratic-military establishment, which resisted efforts to reduce the role of nuclear weapons while pushing for nuclear modernisation.

    March 2011

    US Strategy in Afghanistan and Regional Concerns

    India should seek a regional solution to the Afghan conflict, involving a regional force under a UN flag to provide a stable environment for governance and development till the Afghan National Army can take over.

    February 21, 2011

    India-US High Technology Cooperation: Moving Forward

    The amendment of the EAR is intended to realign US export policy towards India and expand cooperation in civil space, defence and high technology sectors.

    February 16, 2011

