Missile Defence

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  • Agni 5 Tested: What Next?

    Agni 5 Tested: What Next?

    Weapon development programs are successful when technological innovations are matched with national strategic goals. Further development of the Agni-5 should be based on the objectives of adding to the overall combat potential and augmenting deterrence.

    January 25, 2018

    The Agni-II Trial Failure: Evaluation rather than Flagellation is needed

    The Agni family has had a successful series of user trials extending over several variants and a number of years which should give some confidence in the robustness of the design, development, testing and induction process.

    May 15, 2017

    Agni-V and Strategic Signalling

    In view of China’s adverse reaction to India’s missile testing, this year’s Republic Day parade could have been used for strategic signalling to arrogant entities questioning India’s ‘strategic autonomy’. Nuclear deterrence is also about demonstration and display of capabilities. If you have it, then flaunt it!

    February 09, 2017

    29th Plenary Meeting of the Missile Technology Control Regime and India’s Membership

    Expediting India’s membership process would be a win-win situation for both India and the MTCR. The prevailing uncertainty will end for India and the MTCR will get an effective and positive member.

    October 16, 2015

    Navin Sharma asked: What is Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) and how important it is for India?

    Reply: Please refer to the following:

    Keynote Address by Foreign Secretary Shri Ranjan Mathai at the Ministry of External Affairs – Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA) National Export Control Seminar, April 18, 2012 (Click here).

    Rajiv Nayan, “Update on India’s Membership of Multilateral Export Controls Regimes”, Commentary, December 19, 2012.

    An Analysis of the US Sale of the Patriot Missile Defence System to Saudi Arabia

    An Analysis of the US Sale of the Patriot Missile Defence System to Saudi Arabia

    The PAC-3 missile defence deal is a win-win package for both the United States and Saudi Arabia in terms of both their bilateral relations and the enhancement of regional security.

    December 10, 2014

    Emerging Trends in West Asia: Regional and Global Implications

    Emerging Trends in West Asia: Regional and Global Implications
    • Publisher: Pentagon Press

    The book provides an in-depth assessment of socio-political, economic and strategic trends unfolding in West Asia. It also explores options for India to enhance existing relations with the West Asian region in a much more meaningful manner. The complexities of West Asia have been systematically explored by scholars, diplomats and specialists to advance the understanding of West Asia's political and strategic architecture.

    • ISBN 978-81-8274-771-5,
    • Price: ₹. 995/-
    • E-copy available

    Suyog Lad asked: What climatic factors are taken into consideration for missile and space launch?

    Ajey Lele replies: Yes, they are taken into consideration for both missile and space launches, especially in case of test launches. However, modern missiles are developed as all weather missiles. Hence, in case of an actual war, they could be launched even in bad weather conditions, if required.

    Before the satellite launch, weather conditions on ground are always monitored and usually one day window for preponement or postponement of launch is planned in case of an unsuitable weather. In India, launches take place from the launch site at Satish Dhawan Space Centre, Sriharikota. This region gets affected by monsoon (both south-west and north-east), which at times poses a major challenge. Also, cyclonic storms have maximum frequency during the month of November. Hence, no satellite launches are usually planned for November and December. Both ISRO and DRDO have facilities for weather observations and forecasting at the launch sites.

    India's Nuclear Triad: A Net Assessment

    India's Nuclear Triad: A Net Assessment

    This paper discusses such delivery mechanisms commonly known together as nuclear triad in the Indian context. The paper has four major parts. The first part attempts to set the context for the overall discussion. The second, third and fourth parts deals with the evaluation about missile forces, aerial platforms and submarine based platforms for nuclear weapon delivery on the targets.

    Krishnam Naidu asked: Please elaborate on tactical missile vs. strategic missile.

    S. Samuel C. Rajiv replies: At first glance, the distinction is a factor of distance over which they are used, the context in which they are employed and the warheads they can carry. Generally, short-range missiles are termed tactical while long-range missiles are termed strategic. Battlefield missiles (like the Scud-type) are tactical while long-range missiles targeting bigger targets like cities are termed strategic. The former typically use conventional warheads while the latter typically use nuclear warheads.

    Exceptions include short-range ‘tactical’ nuclear weapons and long-range missiles mated with conventional warheads. An example of the latter is the Pentagon’s Prompt Global Strike (PGS), which generated concerns from Russia as regards the ambiguity enveloping such use (distinguishing a nuclear-armed long-range missile from conventionally-armed one). The issue also generated concerns vis-à-vis bilateral arms control agreements like New START. While the US continues to insist the treaty does not prevent it from developing and deploying such capabilities, Russia does not quite hold this view. The US is concurrently developing alternative systems like Falcon Hypersonic Technology Vehicle (FHTV) to perform long-range conventional strike missions (time-dependent anti-terrorist operations for instance).

