Nuclear Weapons

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  • South Korea and Nuclear Weapons: An Analysis

    In recent months, public support for South Korea’s own nuclear weapons has increased.

    September 06, 2024

    Nuclear Weapons Use in Japan and the Status of Nuclear Disarmament

    Humanitarian consequences of nuclear weapons use, dreadfully experienced in the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, has had little policy impact on concluding a genuine nuclear disarmament convention.

    August 14, 2023

    The Ukraine–Russia Conflict and Nuclear Misinformation

    The parties involved in the Ukraine–Russia conflict should privilege nuclear risk avoidance measures rather than indulge in nuclear sabre-rattling.

    September 23, 2022

    Erdogan’s Nuclear Rhetoric

    While Turkey’s nuclear ambitions are not new, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's nuclear rhetoric is in the backdrop of Turkey's deteriorating regional security situation.

    June 01, 2022

    China’s Inconsequential Bid to Sign Southeast Asia Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone Treaty

    Showing readiness to sign the SEANWFZ treaty seems to be a low-cost, high-return proposition for Beijing. It could be a calculated symbolic gesture having no bearing on the region’s precarious security situation.

    December 09, 2021

    Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons

    The Treaty on Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons has not succeeded in adding any additional universal stigma to nuclear weapons. It lacks the support base needed for replacing the Cold War vintage “Mutual Assured Destruction” with “Mutual Assured Abstinence”. The nuclear weapon countries’ faith in the deterrence logic remains intact.

    August 11, 2021

    GV Saikumar Guntha asked: Why is only the US concerned with North Korean nuclear missile tests when it has implications for all countries in the region? Isn’t denuclearisation in India’s interest?

    Prashant Kumar Singh replies: There may be a legitimate curiosity about the US concerns regarding the DPRK’s (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea or North Korea) nuclear missile tests. Whether the North Korean nuclear missile programme poses a direct threat to the US, or its concerns go beyond the immediate and direct threats.

    NPT@50: The Genesis of a Flawed Bargain

    Even after five decades of its entry-into-force, the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) is largely seen as a Cold War era instrument that has failed to fulfill the objective of creating a pathway towards a credible disarmament process.

    March 31, 2020

    ‘No First Use’ is Not Sacrosanct: Need a Theatre-Specific Posture for Flexible Options

    Nuclear doctrines and postures are dynamic processes that evolve with the security environment. Twenty years after India’s nuclear doctrine was first drafted, the time is ripe for a comprehensive review and suitable revisions.

    August 27, 2019

    Pruthvik Shankar asked: Does India have tactical nuclear weapons?

    A. Vinod Kumar replies: If the question was meant to ask whether India has the delivery capability for tactical nuclear weapons, the answer would be in the affirmative. The name of the missile system is Prahaar, which is supposedly being developed to carry conventional as well as nuclear warheads for battlefield or tactical use. The range of this system is believed to be 150-300 km. While various reports indicate Prahaar's development since 2011, former Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) chief, Dr.

