Nuclear Weapons

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  • Did India Change its Nuclear Doctrine?: Much Ado about Nothing

    Fears by some analysts that India has recently altered its nuclear doctrine, and particularly its no first use policy, are unfounded.

    March 01, 2011

    NBC Weapons: How free is Africa of the scourge?

    The entry into force of the Africa’s Nuclear Weapon Free Zone Treaty or the Treaty of Pelindaba in July 2009 and the first conference of parties on November 4, 2010 is a big step towards making the African continent free of the scourge of nuclear weapons. The Treaty of Pelindaba seeks to ensure that nuclear weapons are not developed, produced, tested or otherwise acquired or stationed anywhere on the African continent or its associated islands. At the same time the treaty provides for the promotion of cooperation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy on the African continent. Though Sub Saharan Africa is free of nuclear weapons programmes, many African countries have peaceful nuclear facilities and radioactive sources.

    July-December 2010

    Thinking about Pakistan's Nuclear Security in Peacetime, Crisis and War

    Thinking about Pakistan's Nuclear Security in Peacetime, Crisis and War

    This essay seeks to collate, sort through, and organise the reams of publicly available information and speculation to provide a systematic assessment of Pakistan’s nuclear security.

    The Strategic Ramifications of anti-Iran Sanctions

    Only through direct negotiations with Iran can the international community influence and possibly alter the strategic calculus of its rulers.

    August 13, 2010

    Judging Myanmar’s Nuclear Ambitions and Likely Implications

    There is no denying that Myanmar has an ongoing nuclear research programme but whether it has the intention of developing nuclear weapons remains unclear.

    July 22, 2010

    A China-North Korea-Myanmar “Axis” in the making?

    Tacit Chinese endorsement of the policies pursued by North Korea and Myanmar has emboldened them to persist with policies that are detrimental for peace and stability in the region.

    June 17, 2010

    Nuclear Disarmament A Way Forward

    Nuclear Disarmament A Way Forward
    • Publisher: Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses

    IDSA set up a Task Force to examine the issues concerning disarmament with Shri Satish Chandra, formerly India’s Ambassador to Conference on Disarmament and Deputy National Security Advisor (NSA) as Chair. This report is the outcome of its deliberations. It seeks to examine the obstacles to nuclear disarmament and the manner in which they can be removed. It reiterates the dangers of the nuclear weapon states persisting with their current policies of privileging nuclear weapons in their security postures and neglecting their obligations under article VI of the nuclear non-proliferation treaty (NPT).

    • ISBN 81-86019-69-3 ,
    • E-copy available

    Iran and the NPT RevCon 2010

    While the United States charges Iran of being in non-compliance with its NPT obligations, Iran points out that the United States and other NPT nuclear weapon states are in non-compliance of Articles IV and VI, among other provisions.

    May 04, 2010

    Nuclear targeting caveats

    Nuclear exchanges in accord with targeting limitation would serve as powerful nuclear signaling to the other side in case of deterrence breakdown.

    April 21, 2010

