North Korea

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  • Rohit Mule asked: Why major powers were successful in stalling Iran’s nuclear programme but not that of North Korea?

    A Vinod Kumar replies: North Korea and Iran were two notable cases of nuclear deviance in the past two decades as both were alleged to have misused their access to nuclear energy resources for peaceful purposes, which they gained as non-nuclear weapon states under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). However, since their deviance from non-proliferation norms were considerably different, negotiations pertaining to their respective nuclear programmes have had varied outcomes.

    Historic Summit at Panmunjom

    While the recent Korean Summit marks the beginning of the new era, to achieve lasting peace will require intense diplomatic efforts.

    May 04, 2018

    Will North Korea Denuclearise?

    Kim will drive the hardest bargain possible and be willing to make only small concessions like maintaining some type of a freeze on future tests of missiles and nuclear weapons.

    April 09, 2018

    The Contours of a Negotiated Nuclear-Missile Deal with North Korea

    Removing the Kim regime’s fears about regime change and reducing the insecurity caused by North Korea’s nuclear and missile tests to the US and its allies are the essentials that must be addressed in a UN-led multinational dialogue to forge a negotiated settlement.

    December 12, 2017

    How North Korea was Armed

    China and to a lesser extent Pakistan have helped North Korea with its nuclear and missile development programmes.

    October 30, 2017

    The North Korean Nuclear Conundrum

    A rational decision maker in the White House does not have all options on the table and cannot start a war without South Korea’s consent. Diplomacy is the only option and this is as obvious as obvious can be.

    May 03, 2017

    Is President Trump’s Foreign Policy Shaping Up?

    What to make of the combination of Trump’s missile strikes in Syria, changes of mind about China and Russia, warnings to North Korea, signals about scaling up military presence in Afghanistan, and outreach to Turkey?

    April 24, 2017

    Can Kim Jong-Un be tamed?

    There will be little legitimacy for a pre-emptive US strike on North Korea unless Pyongyang launches a pre-meditated strike on any nation.

    April 12, 2017

    North Korea’s ‘Chemistry’ with WMDs

    North Korea has blatantly breached the chemical weapons ‘red line’ in the killing of the half-brother of Kim Jong-un in Kuala Lumpur on February 13.

    March 06, 2017

    North Korea: Launching a Satellite to Demonstrate ICBM Capability

    North Korea: Launching a Satellite to Demonstrate ICBM Capability

    North Korea may not have reached the level of expertise to develop an ICBM indigenously. But, in terms of declaration of intent, it has achieved all that it wants.

    February 18, 2016

