North Korea

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  • South Korea’s Military Preparedness

    In response to increasing North Korean hostilities, South Korea’s Defence Minister Kim Kwan-jin unveiled a 73-point military reform measures in early March 2011

    March 31, 2011

    An Apocalypse Lurks in the Korean Peninsula

    The temporary hope of peace returning to the Korean peninsula following North Korea’s peace overtures dissipated no sooner than it started when North Korean negotiators walked out of the meeting room at the DMZ in Panmunjam.

    February 14, 2011

    The Gates Mission: Re-contextualising US alliances in East Asia

    Gates has steered Japan and South Korea towards aligning their shared threat perceptions about North Korea and China.

    January 18, 2011

    Inter-Korea Dialogue versus Japan-South Korea Military Engagement

    North Korea’s offer of a dialogue is unlikely to elicit a positive response from South Korea which instead is militarily drawing closer to Japan to enhance deterrence.

    January 14, 2011

    South Korea’s show of force and designation of the North as ‘Enemy’

    Soon after naming the North Korean regime as its “enemy”, South Korea has, quite abruptly, invoked the desirability of reverting to the Six-Party Talks.

    January 04, 2011

    Naoto Kan’s Remarks strain Relations with South Korea

    Kan’s statement about sending the SDF to the Korean peninsula to rescue Japanese citizens and people of Japanese origin in the event of an emergency has raised the spectre of a possible revival of Japanese militarism.

    December 20, 2010

    North Korea’s Artillery Attack on Yeonpyeongdo: Responses and Implications

    Both the revelation of a highly refined capacity for uranium enrichment and the shelling of South Korean military positions amply demonstrate Pyongyang’s preparedness to push the crisis to the extremes.

    November 30, 2010

    Korean Crisis: A case of repeated belligerence, limited options and antediluvian rules of engagement

    Because of America’s refusal to engage North Korea, by default the reclusive nation dictates the rules of engagement in its favour.

    November 29, 2010

    North Korea Shells South Korea – Is it Bait?

    North Korea’s intent appears to be to entice South Korea and the United States into resuming nuclear negotiations and to test their resolve.

    November 29, 2010

    North Korea – Construction of Nuclear Power Plant

    In the latest game of one-upmanship, North Korea has up the ante by announcing to the world that there is no stopping its nuclear development programme.

    November 18, 2010

