United Nations

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  • Africa and the United Nations Summit of the Future

    The upcoming United Nations Summit of the Future presents a critical opportunity for Africa to advocate for more inclusive and equitable global governance.

    July 09, 2024

    Indian and Chinese Approaches to United Nations Peacekeeping in Africa

    This monograph delves into Indian and Chinese approaches to UN peacekeeping in Africa, offering insights into how these rising powers interact with African nations. It analyzes their motivations and guiding principles in peacekeeping on the continent, comparing their approaches and highlighting differences in scope and impact.


    Bhutan’s Graduation from LDC: Opportunities and Challenges

    While Bhutan's transition from a least developed country (LDC) to a middle-income country is undeniably optimistic, its journey beyond LDC status lies in mindful governance and strategic planning.

    January 11, 2024

    MONUSCO's Early Withdrawal and the Future of UN Peacekeeping in Africa

    The UN should shift towards more traditional and narrowly focused peacekeeping missions and maintain a clearer and more distinct role as a neutral mediator in conflicts.

    January 02, 2024

    Multilateralism Matters: Adoption of the Treaty of the High Seas and its Significance

    The adoption of the Treaty of the High Seas by the United Nations represents a significant triumph for multilateralism.

    July 04, 2023

    Karthik G.R. asked: Peaceful Coexistence remains the cornerstone of India's foreign policy. How is it reflected in our foreign policy endeavours?

    Rajeesh Kumar replies: Peaceful coexistence constitutes one of the fundamental principles of India's foreign policy. Mutual respect for territorial integrity and sovereignty, non-aggression, non-interference, equality and mutual benefit are the fundamentals of peaceful coexistence. India believes that friendship and cooperation between and among nations will bring peace and development across the globe.

    Yemen: Growing Uncertainty after the Ceasefire

    The end of the ceasefire in Yemen without any substantial political understanding between the government and the Houthis heightens the risk of escalation of violence.

    November 10, 2022

    Assessment of India’s UN Missions and Impact on Host Nations

    Multifunctional peace operations under the umbrella of United Nations (UN) have become an integral part of the global society to the extent that they are now one of the major regulating institutions of international relations.

    July-September 2022

    Indian Women in Blue Helmets: Professionalism in Peacekeeping

    Majority of conflict situations in which the United Nations (UN) intervenes today are complex and as per their mandates, joint efforts of both men and women are required to make the peacekeeping operations as effective as possible. In many instances, maintaining good relations with the civilian population is a prerequisite for effective peacekeeping, as it often implies easy access to information at the grassroots level and increased security for UN personnel and the local population.

    July-September 2022

    Multidimensional Peacekeeping Protection Mandate and Recalibration of the UN Military Peacekeepers

    The United Nations has introduced a layered approach to UN peacekeeping operations (PKOs) with wide-ranging enablers based on many reviews. Accordingly, a new resolution on the protection of civilians (POC) was adopted by the UN Security Council in 1999. The study attempts to understand the complexities of multidimensional PKOs, POC, 2019 policy, specific role of the UN military force and the need for new structuring and training of the UN military presence in the mission areas.

    July-September 2022

