United Nations

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  • The United Nations and Anthropocenic Governance

    September 2020

    Editorial Note

    Seventy-five years ago, at the city of the Golden Gate, 850 representatives from 50 countries helped conceptualise the United Nations (UN) as an organization that would strive to ‘save succeeding generations from the scourge of war’. When the final draft of the Charter drawn up in the meeting was put to vote, Lord Halifax, who presided at the conference, said: ‘It is as important as any we shall ever vote in our lifetime’.

    September 2020

    Targeted Killings: How Precedents can Become Practice

    Executing extra-territorial targeted killings to eliminate inimical people bent on wrecking death and destruction on Indian nationals and interests is an option India may explore more vigorously, within the confines of international law.

    December 10, 2020

    Hara-kiri Multilateralism: United Nations Response to COVID-19

    The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed vulnerabilities of the international system, particularly those of multilateral institutions. When the much spoken borderless threat became a reality, the multilateral institutions were found not only unprepared but acting in a self-destructive mode.

    May 21, 2020

    United Nations Peace Operations: Personal Experiences and Reflections

    We are passing through a decisive stage in the history of the international system. The threat of war between great states, or nuclear confrontation between major powers, is well behind us and, in fact, fading in our memory. However, new and diverse forms of threats, some clear and present, others only dimly perceived, are testing our resolve and questioning the validity of our existing mechanisms. Developments at the international level over the last two decades have exposed deep divisions within the membership of the United Nations (UN) over fundamental policies on peace and security.

    January-June 2020

    Significance of SDGs and India’s Evolving Global Role

    India has demonstrated a bold commitment to multilateralism. On all three parameters – ideational, diplomatic and institutional – India’s role is a continuation of a long lineage. As for the implementation of SDGs, India is trying to ensure that its impressive growth trickles down to the last man standing through proactive state interventions.

    November 08, 2019

    Vikas Chandra asked: In which committee of the General Assembly was the UN Global Counter Terrorism Strategy negotiated? What was India's approach during negotiations and thereafter?

    Arpita Anant replies: At the United Nations (UN), discussions on the subject of terrorism that are in public domain take place mainly in the General Assembly and the Security Council. There are several discussions especially in the Security Council that take place behind closed doors. Discussions related to terrorism are held in the Sixth Committee of the General Assembly under the heading “Measures to Eliminate International Terrorism”.

    Designating Masood Azhar at the United Nations: More than a Symbolic Diplomatic Victory

    The decade-long effort to list Azhar showcases the pragmatism that marks India's multilateral diplomacy and questions the general perception that India's multilateral approach is ambivalent and inconsistent.

    May 09, 2019

