Cyber Security

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  • Cybersecurity and Threats: Cyberterrorism and the Order Today

    The ever-growing dependence of man on cybernetworks has unbridled a modish genre of cyberthreat called cyberterrorism. The pervasive cyberspace has provided an advantageous operational frontier to the terrorists for executing cyberattacks on critical infrastructures, spreading hate propaganda over the Internet and using it for recruitment, planning and effecting terror attacks.

    April-June 2021

    Growing Cyber Risks to Energy Infrastructure

    Cyber-related risks to the energy sector can be minimised by strategic intelligence gathering on potential threat actors, weaving of cyber security strategies into corporate decisions, industry-wide collaboration as well as up-to-date backup systems.

    May 20, 2021

    US Elections 2020 and the Cybersecurity Challenges

    It is critical to reduce the risks associated with cyber-enabled elections by ensuring end-to-end verifiability, protection of voter database, managing risks to the election infrastructure and curbing the menace of disinformation.

    December 03, 2020

    Ankit asked: What are the different modes and forms of cyberterrorism?

    Munish Sharma replies: Terrorist organisations have kept themselves abreast with technological changes, and cyberspace is no exception. They are known to leverage cyberspace for communication, dissemination of propaganda, gaining popularity or attention, radicalisation, recruitment, and even fundraising. Cyberterrorism is an extension of the traditional acts of terror into the cyber domain, and the objective remains the same – to create panic or to cause disruption.

    Decoding Cyberattack on Australia

    With the adoption of varied digital means in times of pandemic, the states are likely to witness increased cyberattacks. Absence of an effective response would only mean an open playground for perpetrators.

    July 14, 2020

    Digital Healthcare and Rising Cyber Concerns

    With digital threats becoming trickier, a more holistic approach towards cybersecurity would help create a vibrant digital healthcare environment.

    June 12, 2020

    Video Conferencing Apps: A New Playground for Cyber Criminals

    With a new found celebrity status among the video conferencing applications, Zoom now faces a massive privacy and security threat as the platform’s default settings are not secure enough.

    April 11, 2020

    COVID-19 and Cyber Risks

    While maintaining cyber hygiene in these disruptive times is indeed a challenge, each organisation should work towards putting in place a tailor-made work-from-home cyber defence strategy.

    March 30, 2020

    Kudankulam: One Incident, Many Facets

    The existing approach to cyber security is heavily tilted towards practising deterrence by denial, essentially by building defences. However, the concept of deterrence needs further tweaking to make it workable in cyberspace.

    December 16, 2019

