Cyber Security

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  • The Darkening Web: The War for Cyberspace, by Alexander Klimburg

    The introduction to Alexander Klimburg’s book, The Darkening Web: The War for Cyberspace, begins by referencing the Indian parable of the Blind Men of Hindoostan and the elephant to bring out the difficulty of ‘grasping the entirety of cyberspace’. The focus of his book is on international security, and more specifically, the security interests of states in cyberspace. That said, a large part of the book focuses on three countries—the United States, Russia and China—and their approaches and actions in cyberspace. Europe is mentioned largely in the context of privacy and data laws.

    October 2017

    The Flaw of Immediate Cyber Counter Strikes

    A dominant paradigm for militarised cyber operations, owing to a growing interest in such actions, is seeking an ability to strike back and launch cyber counter attacks immediately after being attacked. This commentary challenges view based on the argument that it leads to a contra-productive tit-for-tat game with no decisive or deterrent outcome. It argues that cyber attacks are information, which an initially passive targeted society can gather to refine and consolidate its cybersecurity and over time receive an advantage over the initial attacker.

    September 2017

    Cryptocurrencies and the Regulators Dilemma

    This special feature explores the mechanics and attributes which have led to the steep rise in the popularity of cryptocurrencies, delves into the risks they pose to the user and the state, and evaluates the opportunities, risks and policy options for India.

    August 01, 2017

    Quantum Computing and its Impact on Cryptography

    Advances in technology has brought into focus the need to have double assurance on data security, especially with the world moving from classical to Quantum Computing, which latter has the power to unlock the toughest of cyber-locks.

    July 19, 2017

    The Petya Cyber-Attack

    Most attacks prior to Petya were carried out by criminals for financial gain, but some characteristics of the Petya malware have led to doubts as to whether the culprits are state actors.

    July 13, 2017

    Analysing Aadhaar through the Prism of National Security

    Though there might be several prevalent concerns over Aadhaar’s data security, these do not outweigh the benefits it has to offer.

    June 22, 2017

    Voter’s Dilemma: Data Leaks and Electoral Interventions

    The DNC and En Marche hacking instances offer a peek into the future: data leaks and cyber means of electoral intervention are likely to become an unfortunate and inevitable part of the electoral process.

    May 22, 2017

    Data Theft: Implications for Economic and National Security

    With the digitisation of services, such as in the case of governance and banking, or the electronic means of conducting commerce or trade, a large amount of data is generated, stored, processed; this also traverses, over digital devices and networks. The incidents of data theft compromise the integrity of this data. Data is at continuous risk from a myriad of threat actors varying from hacktivists to nation states.

    January 2017

    Sanjay Prakash Sahoo asked: Is there a CERT kind of an approved framework to neutralise cyber threats to our nuclear reactors?

    Munish Sharma replies: The Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In) is the national nodal agency to respond to the cyber security incidents. However, nuclear installations are part of India's critical infrastructure. A nodal agency, National Critical Information Infrastructure Protection Centre (NCIIPC), designated by Section 70A of the IT (Amendment) Act, 2008 was established in 2014 to augment the protection of critical information infrastructure in India.

    China’s First Cyber Security Law

    China has justified the passage of the new law as an ‘objective need’ for national security considering its large cyber infrastructure and its vulnerabilities.

    December 23, 2016

